Nursery and Daycare
CSDB Daycare is based on affection and play, with respect for the individuality of each child, their rhythms, emotions and needs. With personalized attention to each child and the secure bonds they establish with adults, with the space and new routines, a harmonious environment is promoted in which families are, from the first moment, involved in the adaptation and daily experience of this stage.
The educational orientation of the Daycare is based on the pedagogical model of the Modern School Movement, where the child has an active role in discovering and exploring space throughout the day, in a differentiated, provocative and challenging environment. Pedagogical times is dynamic and the educational context of each room and the outdoor space supports discoveries and activities that make sense for each child and the group, at each moment.
The entire dynamic in this valence is surrounded by affection and based on an educational intention in the various actions and moments, which include food, sleep and hygiene. The Pedagogical proposal of the CSDB Daycare also includes a first contact with the English language, through music, providing the child, in a very pleasurable and fun way, immersion in a different linguistic context and expanding their discovery of the world around them.
The play times is the most important context for a child’s development, and we adopt the best pedagogical practices to enrich their daily lives with different activities that meet their interests and needs. We monitor the children’s development and learning process, about which we prepare, every quarter, an individual observation record that is shared with the family, in periodic meetings.